Lynnfield’s playgrounds – Townscape and other generous organizations in Lynnfield have raised the funds to improve our local parks - Newhall Park, Glen Meadow Park are completed and in great use and now it is time for Jordan Park. The plans were finally approved and bid out in September of 2019. Renovations for Jordan Park are well underway. We are excited to announce that Jordan Park will expand even more than expected! The playground area will be larger than expected and will serve as a great play area to pre-school and elementary school children. We look forward to the completion of the playground in summer of 2020.
Check out the recent on-goings at the park … it will be ready for you in the summer of 2020!
Clearing Jordan Park
Check out the improvements at Glen Meadow Park! It’s such a wonderful place for your Lynnfield families to meet and play!