The planting of new shade trees has been Townscape’s primary function for thirty years. During that time, members of Townscape have worked to raise funds to purchase the hundreds of trees have been planted by this group to either replace trees that have reached the end of their lives or to add trees along the streets of Lynnfield, and in its parks, cemeteries and other open spaces in order to preserve the beauty and character of this town. However, these efforts are not just about aesthetics. The planting of trees also helps to:
Absorb heat from asphalt, saving air conditioning costs.
Reduce heating bills by buffering homes from wind.
Reduce the risk of flooding by decreasing storm water runoff by 20%.
Help clean the air by reducing gases such as Ozone, SO2, NO2 and CO2.
Increase real estate value.
In addition to raising funds for new trees for the town of Lynnfield, Townscape can also facilitate the donation of a commemorative tree by local families. Please see our Donations page for details.
In fall 2019 we were very proud to donate trees that had been destroyed by a gale force winds in October 2019. Thank you to the DPW for planting the much needed replacement trees!